We BGR help you to determine the impacts of your business activities and
propose sustainable rehabilitation and site restoration.
Our services include
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and resettlement, monitoring on mining activities, constructions and other areas.
Conduct health-safety and environmental Impact Assessment, risk management and monitoring in compliance with international reporting codes such as JORC for mining, drilling, contaminated land-water...
Assist services including creation of reports compliant with local laws and regulations, consultations with administrations concerning environmental, social and economic impact, stakeholder meeting support, and handling cultural differences. Our surveys follow both international and local standards of the project.
Minimize risks, cut costs and reduce time frames according to the clients’ request. Our independent assessments and advice provide the basis for your decision making
Conduct preliminary exploratory studies, documentation, review boards, handling stakeholder meetings, monitoring, and post-surveys
Assistance on social developement strategy